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  • Writer's pictureWanda E. Haynes

Standing in my TRUTH!

Woke up yesterday thinking, “you really need to get on the scale. Take a look at ALL the numbers, don’t just focus on the weight.” So I did! I was SHOCKED when I saw 142! I think I missed that number on the way up. It was a relief to see the scale moving in the right direction. Then I decided to look at every area. I went back to January 2020 when I started my WW journey to see what did the scale say THEN!

My BMI at that time was at an all time high of 33.4, in the obesity range for my height and weight. Now, I’m at 28.6 which is still overweight, but look at that drop! Then my Body Fat percentage was a whooping 43%, that’s saying that almost half of my weight at that time was all FAT!! Whew! Fast forward to now and it’s dropped significantly to 35.7% which is still high, but God said “let there be light!” Taking a closer look at fat, we have two types: subcutaneous and visceral fat. Subcutaneous fat is that “jiggly” fat, the kind just under your skin that you can FEEL. While too much fat is not good for anyone, this type of fat is generally harmless and may even protect against some diseases. Visceral fat, on the other hand, is that type of fat that wraps around your abdominal organs DEEP inside your body. You can’t feel it, thus a reason it is dangerous. This type of fat can raise your risk for serious medical conditions like high cholesterol, stroke, heart disease, and diabetes to name a few.

The scale I use, Renpho Smart Body Fat Scale, displays over 13 metrics and comparing January 2020 with January 2021, I’m showing great declines in both types of fat. My subcutaneous fat moved from the high, high end to a lower high end, while my visceral fat moved from “excessive” to the lower end of the high.

The normal range of body water percentage for women is anywhere between 45% to 60%. In January 2020, mine was 39.1%, noted as low. Now, after being deliberate about increasing my water intake, it’s up to 44.1%--ALMOST NORMAL. I know I have to be consistent in fueling my body with water! My skeletal muscle mass (ratio of muscle involved in the mechanical system of our limbs and other parts of the body) was on the low end in January 2020 and is now increasing.

In all, in the course of a year, I have been able to drop 24 pounds! That’s almost whole little toddler!! That’s HUGE!! When I started this journey ahead of the pandemic, little did I think I would actually be able to accomplish this. It seemed so daunting at the time. I didn’t know that two months later a pandemic would basically paralyze our country for months. I gratefully escaped the “quarantine pounds” by increasing my activity last summer and never looking back. The Peloton bike and classes have pushed me even further along in this journey! I’m focused and motivated!!

While I am comfortable putting the numbers and graphics out there, I am not so comfortable just yet with pictures of myself. I’m getting better about it though. Getting better about owning my truth and standing proud in the journey of self. People say, “you look good” and “you don’t need to lose anymore weight”. However, I am 4’11 and I saw first hand how QUICKLY my weight could spiral out of control. My goal is to get to safe space where I am comfortable (an acceptable weight for my height is between 94-123lbs) and my cholesterol and blood pressure numbers can come down. When I was pregnant, my highest weight was 135. Even after having my daughter thirteen years ago, I was down to 123.

So, I will continue to press towards my goal. I know it will happen as long as I am consistent in my approach, deliberate in my methods. I strive to be FIT—strong and toned. I desire to be FABULOUS—feeling great mentally and looking great physically. Both together equals the best ME that I can be! I’m learning through Peloton to never say what I can’t do, no matter how old I am. I have to BELIEVE in my ability to conquer “impossible” tasks!!

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